Monday, November 26, 2007

Where Is IMC Going (Summer 2008)

In the video bar to your right, you'll find members of the 2007 IMC class talking about their summer residencies. For 11 weeks, these Medill students put their textbooks aside and worked on marketing projects at companies and agencies across the country. And it wasn't a walk in the park, either - these students were responsible for delivering strategic recommendations directly to management. The residencies offer us the chance to participate in real-world situations without having to commit ourselves to a specific career path or short, we get to sample before we buy. In fact, according to Professor/Associate Dean Tom Collinger, only 17% of the IMC class ends up taking a position with the company where they did their residency.

The IMC residency program will be appended this year to include an opportunity to participate in a "cultural immersion". Students may take a 2-week course in International Business here in Evanston, followed by 3 weeks on-site at a foreign company. The 3 weeks abroad will feature a marketing problem for the IMC'ers to analyze as well as several opportunities to about experience the local customs and attractions. The remainder of the summer term will take place in Evanston, where students will complete the assigned project with assistance from faculty, culminating in a presentation of the strategic plan to company executives.

While the "old-fashioned" residencies are still offered and encouraged, this new option will be in high demand among members of the 2008 class. As someone who hasn't traveled outside the United States before (and I realize that this is a rarity these days), the ability to add this experience to my resume and broaden my horizons as a person is too much to pass up. Whether I am able to land a spot in the international residency program or not, it's exciting to know that the leadership at Medill understands the importance of global marketing and is willing to commit its resources towards our growth.


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